Morning Manna - May 10, 2023

1 year ago

Much of what you will hear on Morning Manna over the next several months will be based on my book Final Day: 10 Characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Final Day will cause a paradigm shift in your mind about our Lord’s Second Advent. The book is loaded with scriptures about the end of the world and the return of Jesus. The Word of God will cause the paradigm shift to occur in your thinking. Final Day is an End Time truth bomb that will explode inside your head.  Here are some of the exciting things you will learn:

You can request your copy of the book by going to Final Our Morning Manna cohost is Dr. Raymond Burkhart. Everybody around here simply calls him Doc.  Good morning Doc.  Let’s continue our discussion of Daniel 11:32-35

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/10/23Much of what you will hear on Morning Manna over the next several months will be based on my book Final Day: 10 Characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Final Day will cause a paradigm shift in your mind about our Lord’s Second Advent. The book is loaded with scriptures about the end of the world and the return of Jesus. The Word of God will cause the paradigm shift to occur in your thinking. Final Day is an End Time truth bomb that will explode inside your head.  Here are some of the exciting things you will learn:

You can request your copy of the book by going to Our Morning Manna cohost is Dr. Raymond Burkhart. Everybody around here simply calls him Doc.  Good morning Doc.  Let’s continue our discussion of Daniel 11:32-35

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/10/23

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