1 year ago

Today, @repmtg (whom I like) posted this screenshot of a pretty much fake article detailing Hunter Parmesan's net worth. It has no references, pretty much zero basis in fact and is not even a real article, but a sponsored advertorial selling precious metals.

There has to be a laundry list of verifiable facts, figures, records and court cases to showcase the ill gotten gains of this person and the true picture of his character, but this is a swing and a miss.

In less than 20 minutes I was able to dissect this article, find the massive holes in it's claims and showcase why sloppy information like this totally clouds the waters of a cut and dry case of corrupt activities and a lifetime of questionable behavior.

I like MTG and what she's fighting for, but we need to stay TRUE. Always. If you have a staff, the eyes of the world and a position of authority and I can blow a total hole in your information in 10 minutes, how can anybody take you seriously.

I am not going to allow people that are supposed to represent me, get away with being sloppy, non-factual and missing huge opportunities that literally any person could have avoided with 10 minutes of work.

We need EVERYONE to do better, and nobody gets a pass, D or R.

If she can prove these claims to be true or even close to true, I would love to see that. I'm not trying to nail her with a gotcha moment, I just want some references please.

If we're going to be outraged, we need to at least be using facts to justify it.

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