French Protesters Unleash Anger at President Emmanuel Macron

1 year ago

French Protesters Unleash Anger at President Emmanuel Macron On May 1, as employees protested in Paris against President Emmanuel Macron's raising of the retirement age during a Labor Day rally, protesters set electric bicycles and chairs on fire. While demonstrators in the capital were rushing to get away from the fumes, police opened fire with tear gas and fought with them. Macron increased the retirement age by two years to 64 last month.

According to officials, skirmishes between police and protestors in France have resulted in more than 290 arrests and more than 100 police injuries.

May Day, which comes on May 1st, is celebrated as a day to honor workers' rights worldwide with rallies, marches, and other activities.

Adam Parsons of Sky examines the course of these confrontations.

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