If This Wasn’t Recorded Nobody Would Believe It…

1 year ago

Joel Osteen Preaches “Another Gospel”

On page xi in the introduction to “I NEVER KNEW YOU,” Michael Bowen states that one of Satan's greatest weapons against mankind is...

“to con people into living the Christian lifestyle without ever being born again.”

What a great statement!

One of the things I like about Bowen's book is that he approaches the matter from a gentlemanly point of view. For example, on page 21 he states concerning Pastor Joel Osteen...

“Osteen is not the enemy, folks, but Osteen is being 'used' by the enemy to lead all who believe in a 'different' gospel into a Christless eternity.”

The enemy is Satan who hates all people, saved and unsaved alike, and wants to lure as many people into the Lake of Fire (Gehenna) with him as possible to be punished for ever and ever.

Just as Joel Osteen, likewise Ray Comfort, John Hagee, Charles Stanley and other “greats” of our generation are not bad people, they are sincere; but they are sincerely wrong about the gospel. In one of his sermons, Joel Osteen once asked his church audience where they would spend eternity if they died that moment. Clearly, Osteen does care if his congregation goes to Heaven or Hell. Albeit, Osteen's errant way of salvation is to repent of sins, ask Jesus into our hearts, ask Him to wash us clean, and make Him Lord of our life. Osteen hasn't even begun to mention the gospel.

Instead, Joel Osteen has added a bunch of requirements that God did not. Changing the gospel even in the slightest way negates it completely and there can be no salvation. The gospel is that Jesus Christ died, was buried and has been resurrected (these three things are the gospel). The gospel does not include making Jesus ones “Lord.” The gospel does not include amending one's ways, nor joining a church through water baptism, nor keeping sacraments. It is a simple matter of heart's faith in what Christ has done to pay for our sins.

America Needs Preaching Preachers, Not Motivational Speakers!

Joel Osteen is a heretic! Although it is true that God looks at each of our hearts—the road to Hell is paved with sincerity and good intentions. We are warned in Proverb 14:12, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." I recently witnessed to an unsaved Catholic man, who said... "It doesn't matter what you believe, just so long as you're sincere God will look at your heart." I explained to him that he is wrong, and that he will go to Hell if He doesn't trust upon the sin-cleansing blood of Jesus Christ alone. He was still insistent that sincerity is all that matters. The Bible calls him a fool and he will burn in Hell when he dies (2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9).

Please don't be deceived—if you die in your sins without the precious blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse your sins away—you will burn in Hellfire for all eternity!!! Mr. Osteen is very wrong... dead wrong! God has already looked at our hearts, and we are wicked... Jeremiah 17:9 states, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" We are all dirty, rotten sinners (Romans 3:10,19-23) in need of Christ's righteousness. Proverb 28:26 warns, "He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool..."

The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 15:18, "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies." Mankind's heart is deceitfully wicked. The only hope is through Jesus Christ, through His precious blood that saves us... "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."

Joel Osteen’s refusal to confess the sole redemptive salvation found in the Lord Jesus Christ clearly reveals him as a liar and an antichrist (1st John 2:22). There is ONLY one way to Heaven—through the Lord Jesus Christ!

With Heaven in mind, Joel Osteen might just be the most worthless preacher in America. Please don't misunderstand. Joel Osteen is a fantastic motivational speaker. Joel is a very likeable and friendly guy. Osteen is charming and is worth visiting just to watch his big smile. But from a Biblical standpoint Joel Osteen couldn't preach his way out of a paperbag. Joel doesn't teach the doctrine of Christ. You'll never learn about the Rapture, the Tribulation, the mysteries of God, the virgin birth, the blood atonement, Christ's deity, et cetera. Joel's church is about Rock music, fun, crying and feeling better after you leave. Tragically, none of that will get you to Heaven. None of that will compel you to dedicate your life to go to the mission field as a soul-winner. The most dangerous thing about Joel Osteen's ministry is what you're NOT going to get; namely, THE TRUTH!!!

I'm not trying to be critical or negative, but the plain truth is that Joel Osteen is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. By remaining silent concerning sin, judgment and Hell's fire, Osteen is laying up judgment against himself, who damnation slumbereth not (2nd Peter 2:1-3). Joel Osteen may be a valuable motivational speaker for companies, but he is A LOUSY PREACHER OF THE TRUTH! Joel Osteen is a fool for neglecting the Word of God. You cannot just selectively pick and choose which doctrines to teach. Joel Osteen's ministry serves the secular whims of all religions and lifestyles. Although he openly admits that he believes homosexuality is a sin when asked by Oprah, you'll never hear him say it from the pulpit. The architects of the New World Order don't mind if you're against the sin of homosexuality, just so long as you don't promote it publicly and make an issue of it. So they promote Osteen's apostasy.

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