Morning Manna - May 05, 2023

1 year ago

How many times have you read scriptures in the Holy Bible and suddenly saw something that you never saw previously? We ask ourselves, “Why didn’t I see that before today?” It has happened to all of us. It happened to me just a week ago. I suddenly saw a word in a scripture that I had mentally replaced with another word for decades. Curious to know if I was the only person who made the same mistake, I asked friends to quote the scripture from memory to the best of their knowledge. All of them misquoted it just as I had misquoted it for many years.

Today Dr. Raymond Burkhart and I will discuss the origin of The Rapture. Tens of millions of American Christians assume The Rapture is in the Bible. No matter how many pages you read, you’ll never find the word Rapture on any page in the Bible. Why do people assume it is there? They have been indoctrinated to believe it and they never bothered to study the Word of God on their own accord to search for it.

I am sure that everybody listening to me today knows what God said to Adam in the Garden of Eden about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Dr. Burkhart will read Genesis 2:16-17.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/05/23

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