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How - Open Line Friday - JTS05052023

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HOW - Open Line Friday - JTS05052023
1. Masculinity, truth v artificial intelligence, "warbuilding"
2. Bug food

CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM BOOK: livelocal.store/christian/ (Jarrin's site), https://www.amazon.com/Christian-Nationalism-Inevitable-thats-good/dp/B0BZK3FFWB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3U2Q1SNP81PVN&keywords=jarrin+jackson&qid=1683128546&sprefix=%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-1 (Amazon)

LIVE LOCAL CONFERENCE (2-3 June 2023, Claremore, OK): https://livelocal.store/product/tickets/

SUPPORT: www.livelocal.store - Monthly MEMBER ($10/month suggestion)

COFFEE - www.HumbleWB.coffee - WATCH THE VIDEO (https://youtu.be/q-efVujC89w)

LIVE LOCAL FIELD MANUAL 1.0 (Basics) - https://livelocal.store/product/live-local-field-manual-by-jarrin-jackson/

Truth Social: @Jarrin
Telegram: https://t.me/JarrinJackson
Gab: https://gab.com/JarrinJackson
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/JarrinJackson


  • 0/2000
  • Creation as outlined in Genesis. Video keeps freezing.

  • I'm not Jarrin but I have a few comments I would like to make on what you wrote here. You come at this topic as if it is all one way or another. How is the earth being a globe a deciding factor if one is or is not a creationist? How are the waters above and the waters below pointing to a flat earth? Before the flood of Noah's day the atmosphere on earth was different. it was like a greenhouse. At the time of the flood it collapsed and poured down the rain on the earth. it had never rained on the earth before the flood. Before that time there was a mist that came up from the ground to water the earth. The fountains of the great deep that burst forth during the flood was a subterranean layer of water. in your view where in the creation story do you get the flat earth idea?

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  • I'm trying to contact you about restarting my subscription. I sent an email today. Hopeto hear from you soon.

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  • Jarrin, how do I send you a private email. I have a question to ask you.

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  • Hi Jarrin, thanks for all you do! question: My husband and I are wanting to join you in June, but have had a problem trying to buy the tickets as a couple. Any suggestions or insight would be appreciated Thanks

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  • The video says it's an hour and 43 minutes long, but when I try to play it then it says 0:00/0:00. 🤔 Anyone else having trouble playing the video now, two weeks later?

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  • Haven't watched this one yet, I'm about to watch it but this comment/question goes to the big picture more than any single episode. As a bible believing Christian do you believe the globe theory, the fake space videos from the Nazis at NASA, and that we're all hurling and spinning thousands of miles an hour through space and we all got here by accident from the primordial soup? Or do you believe the creation story and that the earth is stationary and does not move because God saw that it was good? And the waters above and the waters below, do you believe all that, or do you choose to believe some of it and ignore or interpret the rest? Not trying to set off any landmines here. But I have a hard time now believing "tha scienth!" from NASA, knowing about Operation Paperclip and Operation Mockingbird.

  • Great show as always thanks jarrin from Canada God bless