who's the dude that she's talkin to (me again)

1 year ago

in relation to free masonry...
sari for my milkshake
since the machines took over nothing is as much fun
star of david people, the bad catholics (jesuits) that run the vatican, illuminati
these are sad ass chords right here
this place has always been a disgrace
whenever they hear sumin unfamiliar they will leave just like a liberal
and this right here is why i love keyboards
vincent.vinnie.vince is my cerebral companion
yawl like "different" whenever it's corporate
nothin pc about being a schizo
none of that social status crap matters to us
what culture do white people have again i have always wondered
take it as a compliment, black people
everyone has been infantilized
not just the ones you wanna assume i am talkin about...
why i get compared to jc$
glory to God always
homeless people don't have possessions so they are more reliant on God than anyone else in this country aside from the amish
nobody would recognize Jesus but the afflicted
mental ills are more fun let's just be real
God is always there so you can talk to Him no matter what
death by high fructose corn syrup, i sure hope not
i don't understand conventional any mfing thing
no thanks to that paranoia, already there

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