4 Ways to Attract More Quality Applicants - Hiring Questions for Managers (Workforce Alchemy)

1 year ago

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Attracting more top-notch job applicants can be challenging. Many believe it has never been harder. Here are four simple strategies you can use today.

1) Create more compelling job descriptions: Be clear, concise, and include all relevant and necessary information about the role, responsibilities, and qualifications.

2) Offer competitive pay and benefits: MVPs don't play for league minimum salaries in sports. The best applicants know their worth, and they won't work for minimum wages either. Make sure your pay and benefits are competitive.

3) Use a variety of recruitment channels: It is a mistake to rely on just one or two channels to reach potential job applicants. Use as many different options as you can. At a minimum, use job boards, social media, employee referrals, and job fairs to reach a wider audience. Notice what is and isn't working and adjust accordingly.

4) Highlight your company culture and leverage your brand: Using all of your marketing and social channels, showcase your company values, employee engagement, and career development opportunities to attract the best talent. It is better to attract quality applicants than pursue them.

By executing these four strategies, you can improve your chances of attracting high-quality job applicants and filling your open positions with the best possible candidates. Once you have a pipeline of quality applicants, your next challenge is simply to pick the best and avoid the worst.

Job applicant screening should not be a “hire and hope” proposition. If you're looking for applicant screening methods and employee screening procedures that can improve how hiring managers make decisions then take the Workforce Alchemy Challenge at WorkforceAlchemy.com.

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