Rites of Passage Coming of Age in Cinema, Role Models and the need for boys to partake of them

1 year ago

Here is an unpolished presentation. Please enjoy! I talk about rites of passage in literature, and cinema. I give my opinion on specific characters in movies, such as A Man Called Horse. I also talk about the Spartans and Hollywood actors. Why do boys need a rite of passage? Listen and find out.

If you’re in a leadership role and have never mentored young men then keep in mind that many young men look like adults but are still operating as teens. They are still trying to figure life out and a good mentor can help point the way. Trying to figure out how to be responsible, how to be a man in a world with changing definitions and concepts, and how to fit in a group is difficult for a youth on his own; whether you are a company commander or a team leader doesn’t matter. Youth needs good leaders to give them structure. Learning how to navigate through life should first start at home. Father and son hunting rituals are a good place to start. Father and daughter events can prepare a young lady for more challenging events in life such as being away at college while under the demands of her sorority or life in the military.

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