Dr. Aseem Malhotra: We Now Have a Pandemic of Misinformed Doctors and Unwittingly-Harmed Patients

1 year ago

Professor John Ioannidis, the most cited medical researcher in the world, once said, "The greater the financial interests or prejudices in a given field, the less likely the research findings are to be true."

"Unfortunately, well before the pandemic, evidence-based medicine has become an illusion," expressed @DrAseemMalhotra. "It has been hijacked by very powerful vested interests."

"As a result of this, we have now a pandemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed and unwittingly-harmed patients, based upon a number of factors."

• biased funding of research (research for profit, not health outcomes)
• biased reporting in the media
• biased patient pamphlets
• defensive medicine
• medical curricula that fail to teach doctors how to comprehend and communicate health statistics

Watch the full roundtable discussion held by Dartmouth College Alumni here:


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