Police on Guard call on the RCMP to do their duty and enforce the law

1 year ago

From the SNC Lavalin scandal and Jody Wilson-Raybould, to Trudeau's invocation of the Emergency Measure Act during the 2022 Freedom Rally and assault of peaceful protesters, to racketeering on the covid injections, to Trudeau's hate speech and persecution of wise people who suffered through medical apartheid and did not submit to the forced misrepresented poisonous injections; we have watched Canadian institutions make a mockery of our rights, intelligence, and constitution.

The RCMP is Canada's federal police force, and it is there duty to police the federal government, and uphold the law even when the criminals are WEF agents occupying our parliament buildings.

Here is a three minute message from Police on Guard directed to the RCMP, urging them to do their duty and help restore our country. I urge anyone in the RCMP, to realize that you were also deceived, coerced, and criminally injected with a toxic experiment. Stand up and help us take back our country.

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