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Police on Guard call on the RCMP to do their duty and enforce the law

1 year ago

From the SNC Lavalin scandal and Jody Wilson-Raybould, to Trudeau's invocation of the Emergency Measure Act during the 2022 Freedom Rally and assault of peaceful protesters, to racketeering on the covid injections, to Trudeau's hate speech and persecution of wise people who suffered through medical apartheid and did not submit to the forced misrepresented poisonous injections; we have watched Canadian institutions make a mockery of our rights, intelligence, and constitution.

The RCMP is Canada's federal police force, and it is there duty to police the federal government, and uphold the law even when the criminals are WEF agents occupying our parliament buildings.

Here is a three minute message from Police on Guard directed to the RCMP, urging them to do their duty and help restore our country. I urge anyone in the RCMP, to realize that you were also deceived, coerced, and criminally injected with a toxic experiment. Stand up and help us take back our country.


  • 0/2000
  • Yes, I've been waiting for criminal justice taken against Trudeau. Hard to believe that the RCMP are afraid to do something. Didn't realize they are cowards. Absolutely disgusting 🫣.

  • All our RCMP and politicians swear an Oath to the Queen, now King Upchuck has been made the ceremonial Head of the RCMP so they swear to him/it. No one swears an oath to We The People - not in Canada.

  • PMT didn’t ‘physically force’ people but HE lied, coerced, belittled, threatened Canadians, called unvaccinated racist, misogynistic extremists, science deniers and so much more. He’s a corrupt hypocrite that should be charged for endless scandals and crimes against humanity!!! PMT does NOT represent Canada or Canadians!

  • Reminder the RCMP represents THE CROWN, not the people.

  • I will chip in a couple of dollars to bonus the officers that do their job for Canadian citizens.

  • RCMP is a libtarded butt kissing clown show

  • Hi Dr. Trozzi, Our members would love to see your rumble channel on Awake Freedom TV. We are launching very soon. It takes 5 minutes of your time to give us what we need. We need your RSS feed here and here are the instructions. https://awakefreedom.tv/rumble-instructions

  • Used to have respect for Law Enforcement but the distrust that people have of them now has been created mostly by the higher up Trolls in their Chain of Command who follow orders from criminal politicians and by Law Enforcement Thugs who protect the criminal politicians instead of the Public. These Thugs are in for a rude awakening when Nuremberg 2.0 arrives (soon we hope). They will not be able to use "I was just following orders" as an excuse. The only way Law Enforcement can regain some of that trust and some dignity is by siding with WE THE PEOPLE instead of the corrupt politicians and by joining the peaceful protests happening worldwide. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING !

  • NOTHING will ever change, that sociopath will never be charged, but rather protected. RCMP have been compromised for decades.

  • WHO DO YOU THINK THEY ARE FAITHFUL TO? https://globalnews.ca/news/9658365/king-charles-rcmp-commissioner-in-chief

  • Law ???? What law ? They don't exist !!

  • Along with Stasi from Ottawa, York, Toronto, Gatineau, Durham Region, London, Hamilton, and Québec, we saw what the RCMP really is during that February of 2022. Not to mention the planting of weapons and the destruction of private property at Coutts. And then there was the Nova Scotia cover-up. It's now time to disband them all, and rip the Canadian flags from their uniforms. May we never be offended by the sight of a 'Mountie' again.

  • I'm hoping every one of the RCMP got their vaccines. And if some are standing for justice, they should tell Trudeau where to go when he forces them to get vaxxed.

  • Is anyone having trouble with the Rumble videos? Get the video most of the time, but the audio keeps sopping -sometimes for 3-5 minutes. Any ideas on how this can be fixed? Thanks

  • This guy is so clueless.... genocide is occurring and that is all you can say? Stand on Guard For thee is a JOKE a bunch of cowards just like the RCMP another corrupt SERVICE CORPORATION.... YOU ARE ALL GLORIFIED MALL COPS YOU ARE NOT ENFORCING LAW... ITS POLICY!!!!! FOR A FN SERVICE CORPORATION.... ALL OF YOU ARE A JOKE YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY LEGAL DOES NOT APPLY TO A man or woman.... GOING TO FAST FOR YOU IDIOTS? Christopher James is the ONLY solution in this country even the Doctors are clueless hiriing LIARS/LAWYERS.... a private society committing massive constructive fraud against the people... the BAR is the biggest criminal organization in the world your ignorance of law... not legal... is NO excuse YOU ARE ALL A DISGRACE TO MANKIND!