Is US Encouraging Regime Change in "Israel"?

1 year ago

First aired on April 29, 2023

Are there forces building for a coup in "Israel"? Are Israeli intelligence agencies attempting to overthrow the Netanyahu regime?

According to recently leaked documents from the Pentagon in the US, it would appear to be the case. The documents state that the US obtained this information via signals intelligence, meaning that the electronic communications of Mossad leaders are being monitored by the US.

The information is labeled "FISA," which means the spying received approval from a US federal judge according to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Just over a year ago, David Bernea, the head of Mossad, had his employment details and personal photographs leaked onto the internet following a hacking operation by an organisation named Open Hands.

How the mighty are falling... The Zionist regime is staggering, and more cracks are appearing on a daily basis. It was previously reported that David Bernea generously granted permission to thousands of Mossad employees to take part in the anti-Netanyahu demonstrations gripping the Zionist entity, on the condition that they did not reveal their affiliation to other protesters.

However, the US documents allege that the leadership of the intelligence agency is actively encouraging the unrest with several explicit calls to action against the government. This mobilisation has entailed hundreds of military figures refusing to serve, from pilots to special forces officers, and even Israeli diplomats across the world going on strike and closing their embassies.

It is not only the external intelligence agency that is conspiring to bring down the regime; the internal one seems to be in it too.

Shin Bet, which supposedly answers directly to the Prime Minister, has been reported to have agents requesting permission to join the protests.

Avi Dichter, the former head of Shin Bet, has sharply criticized the Netanyahu government for harming social cohesion in the settler colony.

Former chief of staff in the Israeli military, Moshe Ya'alon, has spoken at the rallies advocating for the overthrow of the regime.

A desperate Netanyahu tried and failed to remove the current Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, who is also working tirelessly against the government. Even Israeli intelligence think tanks like the Institute for National Security Studies are pushing against the government.

Former military intelligence chief Tamir Hayman is the director of the think tank and has stated that Netanyahu no longer has his trust. The Zionist dream is crumbling.

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