Jovan Hutton Pulitzer on Ballot ID's in Forensic Audits - 4-24-23

1 year ago

Jovan opened up his Substack article on Ballot IDs here, cut from Defend Our Union zoom call with Steve Stern (rumble/defendourunion). If the full video ever goes down I mirrored it:

There are a million ballot ID No's (0 through 999,999) but 2.5 Million voters, and in 2020 they mailed out 4 Million Early Vote ballots. So the ballot ID # is shared by multiple ballots, sometimes less than 10 of them, others by thousands. Jovan says the reason is ballot secrecy, to make sure you can't tie a ballot to a voter. But they're using this old system to say they can track the individual ballots when they can't.

What they can do is add up the counts of each Ballot ID and that should match the number of ballots cast, but it didn't in Maricopa County 2020.

#jovanpulitzer #maricopacounty

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