Psalms 81, 88, 92-93 | Crying Out in Dissapointment

1 year ago

Psalm 81 is a call to worship and a reminder of God's faithfulness. The psalmist urges the people to sing and make music to God, who brought them out of slavery in Egypt and provided for them in the wilderness. God reminds them to listen and obey His commandments so that they may prosper. However, the people are disobedient and God laments their refusal to listen and follow His ways.

Psalm 88 is a lamentation of the psalmist's suffering and loneliness. He cries out to God for help and feels abandoned and rejected. The psalmist's pain is physical and emotional, and he sees no relief in sight. He pleads with God to answer him and rescue him from the depths of despair.

This is a unique psalm in that it does not offer a resolution to the psalmist's suffering. It is a lamentation that describes a situation of extreme distress, loneliness, and despair. The psalmist cries out to God for help, but there is no indication that God responds or provides relief. This lack of resolution makes the psalm even more poignant, as it shows us that even faithful followers of God can experience times of great distress and pain.

Despite the lack of resolution, the psalm does offer us insight into the nature of suffering and faith. The psalmist is not afraid to express his feelings of abandonment and rejection to God. He is honest and vulnerable in his prayers, even though he does not receive an answer. This shows us that we too can bring our troubles and worries to God, even if we do not receive immediate relief.

Psalm 92 is a song of praise and thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness and goodness. The psalmist exalts God's works and righteousness and declares that the wicked will perish while the righteous will flourish. The psalmist also acknowledges that God's ways are beyond human understanding, but they trust in Him and His unfailing love.

Psalm 93 is a hymn proclaiming the sovereignty of God. The psalmist declares that God is King and has established the world on firm foundations. The psalmist marvels at the power and majesty of God, who is mightier than the roaring waves of the sea. The psalm ends with a declaration of God's enduring faithfulness and holiness.

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