Malindi Cult Officials Confirm Branham Radicalization

1 year ago

Government officials in Kenya are now speaking to news media, and Paul Mackenzie's Malindi Cult is matching a pattern we are seeing for preachers radicalized using William Branham's "Message" cult theology. According to homicide detectives at the scene, "Mackenzie brainwashed his converts using William Branham's End of Days Theology, and convinced them that starvation could hasten their escape from this life to be with Jesus".

Born in Sultan Hamud area, Makueni County in 1960, Mackenzie did not study beyond Form Four. He founded Good News International Church and based his theology on the doomsday teachings of William Branham, an American deliverance minister. {...} Mackenzie brainwashed his converts using William Branham’s End of Days Theology, and convinced them that starvation could hasten their escape from this life to be with Jesus,” detectives from the homicide unit said.

We've received a flood of questions and comments concerning the last part of the statement by homicide detectives, "starvation" that could "hasten the escape". There is nothing to be found in William Branham's theology advising converts to starve themselves into heaven -- if there were, we would not find a single convert. Nobody joins a cult with the intention of taking their lives; those who do are manipulated by a radicalized cult leader. In all cults with tragic ends, the loss of life is a consequence, not a core doctrine.

In the news report from Kenya, one statement of key interest is found in Mackenzie's conversion to William Branham's "Message" cult of personality. Shortly after conversion, Mackenzie began preaching in the streets. This is a pattern we have seen when a cult minister is radicalized with Branham's doomsday theology. We can confirm Mackenzie was preaching doomsday theology from his videos on YouTube. When the street preachers in London, Ontario were radicalized by Branham's doomsday theology in 2017, we examined the key statements in Branham's sermons used to radicalize Steven Ravbar and Matthew Carapella.

With Ravbar and Carapella, we had specific examples of the doctrines they became radicalized with and were able to identify which sermons they were using to terrorize London. Londoners were shocked when Carapella changed, almost overnight, from a life of luxury to screaming at women for wearing pants as they passed by his street preaching. In the case of Paul Mackenzie, we have some examples of the transcripts of William Branham used for radicalization. He was radicalized against medication, education, and world order — all key concepts of two specific versions of William Branham's stage persona, one version of which was in use when the "Message" spread into Kenya. Hopefully, as we continue, we will be able to identify other Branhamite sects in the area using that same theology.

Stay tuned to for more updates.

Paul Mackenzie:

Matthew Carapella:

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