Sunak’s mob rule response hints at plans for a police state.

3 months ago

Mob rule bleats Rishi Sunak in the face of Gaza protests, now being used to imply danger to MPs, which endangers our right to protest.
Right, so Rishi Sunak is currently complaining about mob rule on the front pages of the papers, you’ve had Home Secretary James Cleverly complaining in other papers that protesters have made their point and should stop protesting as plans are made to do anything but stop and there are more examples besides that coming from the government to clamp down on protests that are basically embarrassing them now. Perhaps instead of complaining that people aren’t happy with you, you might actually think about addressing those issues. Instead, the people are daring to speak out against them, call Rishi Sunak a rat faced wotsit, or words to that effect, but more importantly point out the fact they are aiding and abetting in a genocide that the vast majority of the British public are against. But instead of acting as our representatives, these lot prefer to Lord over us and the language and attitudes now being put on show, show these lot are very much plotting a police state right now, to shut us up, rather listen.
Right, so I’m going to start with the police a second. Over the last several years they’ve been given new powers to deal with protests and we’ve seen some stupidly heavy handed actions, such as the Sarah Everard vigil and at other times and despite the new powers granted to them by the Public Order Bill that Suella Braverman steamrollered through, as far as the Gaza demonstrations have gone, there again have been some issues of police heavy handedness, the police have institutionally always been anti demonstration, unnecessary, but for the most part the many, weekly marches we’ve seen have been perfectly peaceful. I mean compare the Gaza protesters to the scenes that we witnessed at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day last year, when Tommy Robinson and his brain-cell deficient knuckle-dragger brigade made what is meant to be a solemn day of memorial into a street fight.
Now that should have been embarrassing, it could also have been a lot worse if the Met police chief hadn’t ignored Braverman’s demands to deploy more police to a peace march being organised elsewhere, determined that they would the problem, her swivel-eyed hard right lunacy being proven wrong as the police despite being mostly in the right place, still struggled that day.
But again what we’re seeing is a message that it is those marching for what is right, and good and decent and at a bare minimum reasonable, that are again being targeted, because we have a government unwilling to listen and actually when you consider the reasons for these marches, for a free Palestine, for an end to the genocide, the bending over backwards again just shouts that our politicians, and not just the Tory ones, are more interested in listening to Israel and their lobbyists than the people who vote and elect them, but then with a voter system that ensures one or other of them always takes power, why should they listen to us? Where’s their incentive to? Why not try and rule and control us instead?

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo sunak,rishi sunak,tories,sunak mob rule,rishi sunak mob rule,protest,uk protests,gaza protests,police state,sunak police state,tory police state,right to protest,mp safety concerns,mp safety,lindsay hoyle mp safety,freedom of expression,kay burley islamophobia,islamophobia,antisemitism,weaponising racism,kay burley sunak,kay burley gaffe,kernow damo,damo rants,kernowdamo,damo,lindsay hoyle,gaza,israel,james cleverly,lee anderson,public order bill

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