Do you think that waiting until you are married for sex is #sex #marriage

1 year ago

Do you think that waiting until you are married for sex is a good idea? Why or why not?
I know a couple who are waiting until marriage. They both agree on it and are fine with it.But they have ridiculously over the top tickle fights. - _- It makes me so uncomfortable to witness. I'd almost rather see them bang in front of me. It's band camp levels of tension that just won't ever go away.
If you want to wait, go for it. But don’t set yourself up for waiting until marriage, and then rush the marriage part just to get to the sex.
No. We waited and we were not compatible…eventually, he cheated and we got divorced. Also, being compatible sexually is not a reason to get married either.
Paraphrasing Lewis Black: If you wait until marriage to have sex, then you are a gambler on a level I can't even flocking imagine.
In times and places people did this, they were teenagers when they got married. Keep that in mind.
Personally, I think it's good to wait a while before having sex with someone to actually know them, but I wouldn't wait to be married... I think you should know the persone that you are marrying on all aspect.
No. Not saying you should flock everyone that propositions you but you should make sure you are compatible with someone before marrying them. Too many people find out too late they can't stand someone's actual personality. Things change after sex, people calm down and get real, they stop being on their best behavior. Get to know the real person before you marry an intolerable asshole.
100% awful idea. Sexual compatibility is extremely important to any healthy relationship.
One of the only pieces of advice my mum ever gave me (I was 13). Never get married before having sex, they might be really bad and you’ll have to stay with them forever. Thanks Mum, lol.Edit: yes, I know it’s bad advice. I posted cos obviously bad advice and funny (to me and some other people by the looks of it)
Let's put it this way. Sex predates marriage by eons. Sex is nature.
I’ve heard horror stories of marriages being destroyed because it wasn’t until after wedlock that they discovered their sex drives were entirely different. It causes depression, it causes divorce, in some extreme cases it pushes people to cheat on or abuse their partner. I just don’t think it’s worth it to wait when it could potentially make or break a relationship.
You dont wanna get married and find out the sex sucks ass. You should at least figure that out before marriage.
No. Unless you're both asexual, sexual compatibility is an important part of a relationship, and that's not something you can determine just through conversation.
Ultimately it's every person's decision.However I believe it's a bad idea. Sex is a huge part of a healthy intimate relationship and it's important to see if both people are compatible.
I did it. Still happily married, coming up on 18 years. I still wouldn’t recommend it.
It's an actively bad idea1. It makes the fact that you want to have sex a reason to get married.2. You have no idea if you're sexually compatible.3. And most importantly, it largely precludes you from living together before marriage.
Dating is to find out if you’re compatible with someone. I wouldn’t marry someone I hadn’t slept with or lived with.
As someone who did this. It's a terrible idea. Get to know them and take your time, but know that sexual frustration is real. You will either cave or do everything but sex to get around it.
Married and still waiting
If people want to do that, more power to them.If they don't want to, they're free to do (each other) as they please.Personally, my fiancé and I didn't wait, and that hasn't negatively impacted our relationship. But if she'd told me that she wanted to wait, I would've agreed to do so.It's 110% all about boundaries and communication.
No. If you think you're heading toward marriage, you should have sex. And get a joint bank account. If you can navigate those two things together you'll be fine. At least until kids come along.
Is it good to wait until you feel completely comfortable with the person? Yes. Do I think it’s a good idea to get married before you find out if you’re sexually compatible with your partner? Fuck no
Imagine you go to a restaurant and the waiter asks what you'd like to eat, and instead of ordering you say "surprise me"Ok cool I hope you liked your surprise cause that's all you get for the rest of your life unless you agree to never eat here again.

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