Khalistan: Terrorist Talwinder Singh Parmar & Osama Bin Laden?

1 year ago

"Sikhs for Justice organisation", supports known #terrors outfits like Talwinder Singh Parmar. Sikh militant and co-founder of Babbar Khalsa involved in the extremist #Khalistan movement. In 1981 he was involved in the killing of 2 Punjab police officers and was arrested in 1983 in Germany. He was released after a year in prison in Germany and he went to Canada.The Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the bombing of Air #India Flight 182 concluded that Talwinder Singh Parmar, although never convicted, was the leader of the conspiracy to bomb Air India flights in 1985. He was killed in a gun fight with #Punjab Police on 15 October 1992; details of this incident are disputed

He said, "until we kill 50,000 #Hindus, we will not rest," before a crowd of 4,000 people; this statement was quoted against him at his later trial

It disintegrated in midair en route from Montreal to London, by Canadian Sikh extremists known as khalistanis.

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