The Federal Reserve and How They Rip You Off (part 1)

1 year ago

What if you were told that while you spent hours, days, months, and years working your ass off to build yourself and your family a better life, a big chunk of your hard-earned cash was stolen from you, and gifted to someone else? And what if I told you those people who stole your money and gave it to whom they wanted, can afford to be 100% carefree with that money? And, while you pinch pennies for a "staycation" because that's all you can afford, those who stole your money get to live a lavish lifestyle of private jets and country clubs?

The Federal Reserve is the ultimate gaslight, in my opinion. They pose an existential threat to the concept of freedom,” and it exists for us today, but the threat is greater for our children and grandchildren. As they live their youth, adulthood, and midlife, and progress to their elderhood, the freedoms we have (which are being slowly taken from us today) will be non-existent, if more people don’t stop to think critically about what’s happening around us and why.

It takes grit and grace to RISE AND THRIVE in this world, and it sure helps when we can work on growing grit and grace together, as a community, as people who make it a priority to care about the people around them, not just the ones we love, but humanity as a whole.

My purpose is to share information (political-but-not-fanatical, spiritual-but-not-fanatical-religious) with everyday people just trying to do their best to be their best and provide for the ones they love. I am dedicated to you, me, our children, and grandchildren to empower each other with GRIT AND GRACE by sharing the things I’ve learned to help us be the best versions of ourselves.

Agendas of those who have more power and control over the way the world works often conflict with our pursuit to live with peace, prosperity, and freedom. Our understanding and participation in the way the world is run is no longer a choice. It is necessary.

Rising taxes, large-scale social degradation, rising civil unrest, disappearing civic rights, and painstaking inflation are robbing us of living our best lives, free and happy to be with the ones with love.

In my books, workbooks, and videos I hope to share what I have learned to help you live your best life.

My workbooks are focused on developing a strong value-based business model to educate, inspire and challenge you and the ones you love with simple, insightful, and picturesque workbooks to help you attain financial, emotional, physical & spiritual greatness by guiding hearts, thoughts, and actions to develop positive daily habits and overcome negative thought patterns with universally accepted beliefs and perspectives not directly taught in school despite the sobering statistics of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, domestic violence, poverty, divorce, substance abuse and its financial and social costs to society.

I commit to sharing with you the lessons I learn every day and hope you will find value in them. God bless and mahalo for taking the time to explore my substack.


WORKBOOK: “Money Matters For Me”

WORKBOOK: “R.E.S.C.U.E.D. Everything You Need to be Rescued is Inside of You”

WORKBOOK: “Challenge Your Thoughts (A Workbook): Be aware of your negative thoughts and change them”

WORKBOOK: “Project 28: Make Positive Changes a Habit in Just 28 Days”

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Rise and Thrive Workbooks
Strength-Over-Struggle Christian Romance novels
Rumble Channel Girl with Grit and Grace
YouTube Channel Girl with Grit and Grace

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