Struck and then Healed (Isaiah 20:1-6)

1 year ago

Yay for getting to do a whole chapter! I know when I first started reading the Bible, it was a challenge and struggle to even make it past a verse or sentence, so for those with that struggle, congrats, just did a whole chapter in one go! ^.^

It's amazing what GOD will ask us to go through and do. Perhaps it's not going about naked as a jaybird, perhaps it's being at a job with a person who makes you want to go diving for a cross and holy water, because we're there to share HIS Light. Nothing something to easily figure out, in fact I would say "figuring it out" is impossible if we do it alone. With GOD it is possible and HIS kind of easy because HE is leading the way. So is it "easy" to go through 14 years of pain, no. But what beauty shall HE bring forth from this trial-moment. (Keyword, Moment.) Remember Genesis 50:20, what they meant for evil The LORD means for good. Rescued all of Egypt using a man sold as a slave. All of Israel using a woman who had been sitting under her tree. The whole of creation on The Cross. What miracle will her work next with the trials that come our way?

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