Morning Manna - April 26, 2023

1 year ago

You probably know the name Jeff Foxworthy. He is a very popular comedian known for his trademark comedy routine: You might be a redneck if. His jokes included

“You might be a redneck if you find a car in your front yard when mowing the grass.”

You might be a redneck if you ever made change in the church offering plate.

You might be a redneck if your dad walks you to school because both of you are in the same grade.

I’m going to give you a quiz today to see if you are a DPPZite. What is a DPPZite? It is a person who believes in DPPZism! And what is DPPZism? DPPZ is spelled DPPZ. It my acronym for a religious belief system that dominates American Evangelical churches.

The D stands for Dispensational.

The P stands for Pre-Millennial.

The second P stands for Pre-Tribulation.

And the Z stands for Zionism.

The twin pillars of DPPZism are belief in the secret rapture of the Church seven years before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and fanatical support for the State of Israel. If you believe in the rapture and you zealously support the Zionist State of Israel, you are a DPPZite.

I’m going to ask you questions in my quiz. Your answers will determine whether you have been indoctrinated with DPPZism.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 4/26/23

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