Morning Manna - April 25, 2023

1 year ago

Yesterday we began a new series of Morning Manna Bible lessons. Our theme over the next several months will be the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.

Much of what Doc Burkhart and I will discuss over the weeks ahead is derived from my book Final Day: 10 Characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It was first published as a hardback in January 2020, but it was only available to supporters of our ministry. Last year I wrote an updated Second Edition, and we published the book as a paperback. The new second edition paperback and Kindle e-book are now available on Amazon. The audiobook will be on Audible very soon.

We will upset the theological apple cart for a lot of people watching Morning Manna. I’m not doing it to make you angry, but to challenge you to rethink what you have been taught about the Second Coming of Jesus and the end of the world.

There are three main groups of Christians in the world: Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants. Each group has subgroups. For example, not all Catholics are Roman Catholic. There are many subgroups within the three branches of Christianity. Among Protestants, one of the largest subgroups in the USA are Evangelical Christians. They are found primarily in Southern Baptist churches, Pentecostal and Charismatic churches, and many non-denominational churches.

If you are presently a member of an Evangelical church or attended one for many years in your past, Doc Burkhart and I will challenge much of what you were taught about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world. You may feel uncomfortable watch Morning Manna in coming days. Again, we are deliberately seeking to offend you. I was taught the same stuff you were taught, but the Holy Spirit brought me out of the deception and opened my mind and heart to understand the Word of God.

Most likely, we will be on this topic for several months. I encourage you to go to Amazon and purchase a copy of Final Day. The second edition paperback version is there for $24.95. The Kindle ebook edition is $9.99. The audiobook will be on Audible any day.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 4/25/23

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