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Angels and End Times - Part 2 (Daniel 11:6-19)

1 year ago

By Cornel Rasor, Pastor | April 23, 2023 | Adult Sunday School
Description: The grand angel continues his detailing of the events leading up to the Antichrist. These events transpire between 250 BC-187 BC and cover the southern kings Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246 BC) through Ptolemy V
Epiphanes, (204-181 BC) and the northern kings Antiochus II Theos (261-246 BC) through Seleucus IV Philopater (187-175 BC).
And after some years they will form an alliance, and the daughter of the king of the South will come to the king of the North to reach an agreement. But she will not keep her position of power, nor will he remain with his power, but she will be given up, along with those who brought her in and the one who fathered her as well as he who supported her in those times. But one of the descendants of her line will arise in his place, and he will come against their army and enter the fortress of the…URL: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel%2011:6-19&version=NASB
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