I've Been Fuelling Wrong for a Decade (Fast at 41)

1 year ago

About Steph: https://www.performdietetics.com.au
Channel Subscription: https://bit.ly/2NViYKI

The Eureka moment has finally come. Getting my nutrition right for HIIT sessions and more importantly for cycling events. This specific event is a UCI qualifier called the Tour de Brisbane, and for the first time ever I fuelled properly prior to the event. It was either a major coincidence or a strong signal that I haven't been fuelling properly on the bike for 10 years. You see, typically I will fade the deeper IO get into a road race. But for this event, I rode strong (for me) for 3 hours.

#cycling #nutrition #Fastat41

Steph Cronin discussing carb goals: https://youtu.be/Kmdsqa3DyTU
Noteworthy study (from Steph): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6566225/
Dylan Jonson video: https://youtu.be/2InF6nuTXzk

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