Why is the Bud Light drama important?

1 year ago

So, first, I hope you like the intro!! Had fun with that and just got lucky the horse had just tinkled and was presenting himself for me, lol. This is going to be a little on the spicy side.

I very much appreciate everyone that watched my little Bud Light range video! I did not expect to get that much attention on it for how small/new I am at this. Thank you ALL!!!! Means a lot to me! But with all the comments I got on that video and the way things are staying in the news, I wanted to make a video talking about the important points of this whole situation. It has nothing to do with beer! It's all about the totally unforced error that the Bud Light marketing people made with this decision. They could have chosen anyone else. Like I say in this video, Blaire White would have been great for this brand!! She is actually committed to the trans stuff, supports the 2nd Amendment, and does NOT push this on kids!!! The whole thing about Dylan is how he is a mockery of women and is pushed so hard on the kids! I go into a few other points, but the biggest is my concern for the children and teenagers of our current time. I know I would have been all messed up by this stuff if it was going on when I was in school. Forced into things so they can "fit in" or be in the current "cool crowd" is going to hurt a lot of these kids in several years when this fad is replaced by the next hot thing.

I hope this video makes sense and my points come across well. I also get a little shooting done at my range. Private place and I was there alone this day. No one was flagged, lol. But like I said in the replies on the last video, the time to shoot Bud is passed, so I walk my talk here and shoot a few cans of soda!! Mixed results, but had fun!!

Let's keep talking about this and keep the pressure on AB and make sure other companies see what is happening to them and they think more than twice about trying to jump on this train to appease a small, loud minority. Don't offend your lifelong customers to please a few screamers!! Just do good business and you will be supported. Do stuff like Bud Light did, and we will be DONE with you! Let's keep getting that message across!

Thanks for watching, leave me some comments! I appreciate your time and I hope you have a great week!!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

#BudLight, #RangeRant, #ChadKelly, #FreedomFarm

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