When The Absence of Sympathy Gives Rise To Anger

1 year ago

Often if we choose not to judge a situation as wrong and give sympathy, our client/loved one/mentee will respond in anger. So, how do we navigate raised tempers, while still showing up fully for our people?

Firstly, let's address our response to anger.

If I as a coach or mentor have concern about my client getting angry, I will prevent myself from telling the truth. That’s the first and foremost thing. I’m now in a codependent relationship with them, because I am worried about them feeling anger. If I have any withdrawal or hold back about them experiencing anger then I’m giving up my authority.

The second thing to know is, if you understand the scale of emotional harmonics and how it works, which is big here at EncompassLIFE, sometimes bringing a client to the awareness that they’re asking for sympathy will move them through it. Just that awareness can be enough for them to wake up and change their situation.

However, if that's not the case, and the lack of sympathy gives rise to anger, the anger will build. Anger acts like fuel. When knowing this, you can also intentionally put fuel on the fire.


Because when the client/loved one/etc. can fully experience this emotion, the anger acts like fuel to get them through the pain, back into enthusiasm.

This is why the scale of emotional harmonics can be such a powerful tool.

If my client or loved one gets angry, it is important for me to remember that their anger is not mine. An angry response on their part does not mean I did something wrong. In fact, oftentimes it means I am exactly on track with where their greatness is. I’m pushing a button for them, and when they have the courage to stay, their greatness will pop through the other side.

#sympathy #anger #codependence


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