The First AI Machine | Perception Model

1 year ago

Did you know that the first AI machine was created by scientists in the Navy in 1943? Known as the Perception model, this machine mimicked the neural structure of the human brain. While the concept of AI is not new, it took until 2005 for us to fully understand the neural network behind it. In this video, we explore the early beginnings of AI and how it has evolved over time. Join us as we take a closer look at this incredible technology and its impact on our world today.

Jim Iyoob
Chief Customer Officer | Author | CX Visionary | CCW Advisory Board Member | ICMI Top 25 CX Thought Leader
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Fred Stacey
Passionate about the contact center industry that has given me so much!
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Aarde Cosseboom
Contact Center & Customer Experience Advisor | Public Speaker | Podcast Host | Published Author | 3X Founder
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Jason Cutter
Filling the world with Authentic Persuaders
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