What do you need to fix your problem?

1 year ago

What do you need to fix your problem?
Mostly just money
A living income and an affordable house.
someone to love :(
Half an acre of land.
A change in perspective.
Money and time, two things that I won't have at the same time, ever
Honestly, a income where I feel comfortable and not have to worry about money. And a house. It’s not a lot but a whole lot at the same time. Still grinding towards it to this day
Accept that my partner isn't going to fix his shit and either live with his misery or dump his ass.
therapy (lots of it)
Ninja clothes, a big bucket of red vines, a volleyball net, goat leggings and a plausible alibi.
a plumber
More cowbell
I need my baby to let me put her in her crib so I can have a shower
A Dr
To fix my problem, I need time to think, do research, and some support from friends or family who have been through similar issues.
To die without hurting the people I love
A dad, the courage to tell the world about my ADHD and a new job.
A couple million dollars.
3000 dollars
About 100k USD...
About tree fiddy.
Motivation and confidence
I need to know how to file for bankruptcy without paying an attorney $1,200.
What i lack most is discipline and decisiveness
Money and a house. Not a huge house, just big enough that I can adopt every animal in an average sized shelter.
Health insurance. An MRI. Surgery.
To stop endlessly stuffing my face and exercising more.
Someone to listen.
I was going to say money but at the moment I'm trying to buy my first home so just a place to call my own would be great.
About £1000, surviving is hard
Money, it would fix every problem I have.
$169.17 or better health care in America
Money, money....plenty of money.
Money money money
Money money money
Self esteem
Uuuh willpower? Discipline? Adhd is a bitch
A cure for cancer.
A really nice pair of tittys
Discipline. It has always come down to more discipline.
Upper management having the balls to pick a direction for the company to go in and flocking stick with it and support the people who keep the company profitable.
Money and motivation
Motivation and dedication
More effort on my part. I don't stick to things like I should, to do what I need to do to improve my life. I fail myself.
a psychiatrist
Self control and determination
A job. Im so limited now with my old age and health. Heres to hoping next week will bring this grandma some income!! :D
Money and therapy
Short term: A laptop. I'm starting to take classes to better my life. Ineed to change careers to get in a better financial space. I need a laptop or desktop and don't even have rent. I'm a bit stressed. I got three weeks. I'm sure it will work out. I don't know how, but it will.
10 year supply of Adderall
A good paying career I enjoy, that isn't too stressful.
Money, a friend and someone who actually likes me
A drivers license and a job that pays what I'm worth. Overeducated and criminally underemployed makes for suicidal depression.
15k would literally change my life. All my debts paid off completely and a little left over for a down payment on a car.
Self confidence and some love
A job. Nearly a thousand resumè’s sent since being laid off. I’ll work for the damn money if someone would just hire me.
i don't think you want me to answer that
Job and money. Left my job last year due to discrimination. Couldn't afford to be at rock bottom again with my mental health. Now I feel like myself again. I don’t regret anything, but I need a job as soon as possible.
My father to pass away in his sleep
I need my co-workers to do their jobs.
About 25k USD, a steady boyfriend.
Approximately $30,000 to get out from under this debt. Sheesh, that’d take the day to day worries away AND let me finally get some solid sleep.
Money to pay my dues and also money to get out of city and buy a farm so I can farm and live off the land
Money and a permanent job
Focus, courage, discipline and money
A guide
A therapist probably.
Someone who is intimate with me and is just a responsible adult. Pretty sure that'd fix my mental health, trickle down to my children being happier, and then of course money would be handled properly...
An attitude adjustment
A boat
Self control
To repair my right eye about 1500$. To just ignore that and get myself out of this hole I'm in about 500$.
Correct medication for my Major depression disorder and maybe a friend
Truth would be nice
A do-over on my financial decisions.
Self confidence
A job
Health services for my mom, so I can stop worrying about her.
Enough money to afford my own time, so I can in turn give it to my family.
Motivation and money
Someone that cares
A stable job cause I'm unemployed right now

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