The Sex Act

1 year ago

Did you know that Lucifer and Satan hadd sex in A Garden just like Eve and Lucifer. Eve is Satan's (Adam's) Grandaughter. Yess! Adam is Satan. He ate the fruit of Lucifer, and he fell. How do you think he ate Lucifer's Fruit? What was the father's original storey for his children? It wasn't love-I can tell you that becuzz I used to work for The Father. He is pure lust. Working for The Son pays less, butt you get more internal reward. I reccommend serving God all day every day.
It was Adam's idea to eat Lucifer's Fruit, and he miss-ledd Lucifer. Adam's daughter is Aphordite, and she gott hott and heavy with my son Cain. Eve was manifested from their lust, and Lucifer was manifested from their love. Cain and Aphordite were together for a long time, butt she is a dogg. Cain used to be a cat, butt when Cain (Derek) and Michael (Mic) switched places, Cain started to mutate into a light dogg. Lucifer and Satan switched roles too. Satan was the bigg badd-boy of Old Heaven, butt Lucifer is king there now. We call it Nu-Nu United States. You all know about switching. The father's sons started switching, and The Sons of The Sons became switchers. Some do male-female switches to heal. Ask MGK, and The CIA Analyst...Do you have Moon TV? It's The Best!

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