23LHDVD04-8 - Randy Richey - Trauma

1 year ago

Learn to do the opposite of what the enemy wants. Trauma is an overwhelming life event that renders one helpless and/or fearing for his/her life. Physical trauma can be like a car accident, rape, or natural disaster. After the event, shock and denial are typical reactions. Longer reactions include amnesia, flashbacks, and even physical symptoms like headache and nausea. Spiritual trauma can be about the words someone spoke that hit you in the chest like a hammer. The demon called trauma can come in with a blow to your soul and/or a blow to your body. Without the healing power of Jesus you may move on but you are still attached to the event. We have to process the trauma with Jesus and receive healing. Healing prayers are included in this meeting.

Randy & Callie Richey's website: http://christoutreachoklahoma.com/
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Free Audio - http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
Free MP3 Audio of Randy & Callie Richey -

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