The Time is Now

1 year ago

We as a Republic need to wake up and encourage others as well.

Transcript of the following video below.

Do you like living in The United States?

Were you born here? Did you migrate? Come here on vacation? Maybe a work Visa? Or perhaps you’re an illegal alien?

In our Republic, freedom matters above all else. If you enjoy living here, then it’s time to do something to keep this Republic free.

Just do one extra thing each day to wake up one other person and protect our Republic. Praying every day is important. Keep buying guns and ammo.
Are you scared, looking over your shoulder, thinking big brother is watching? Speak out! Remember, us doing nothing will be the fall of this Republic. Remember there is nowhere else to go.

Imagine stopping time. No notifications or beeps. No fake-news. Your electronic feeds are where you left them. You can now think without distraction. Before, you accepted what you’d just heard or read from a deceptive media-driven system.

If most people are being persuaded by the media, then you’re not alone. There is power in numbers. Remember, all “most people” need is the truth in order to wake up.

People in authority, without morals, want power. However, people in authority with morals will do the right thing. Authority assumed to be power, results in abuse. Two examples are corrupt police and politicians.
Assumed power is the underlying problem with people. Consider these issues.

The Home. An abusive parental figure. Or a relationship of adults suffering.

Religion. Priests and pastors going beyond their calling.

Politics. We should just do away with his idea.

Banking. By enslaving you into the debt system, you’re already shackled.
Business. Any CEO, manager, or a mom and pop, who exercises more than their position.

“Most people” need to realize they’re being played. Some won’t and that’s ok. We are where we are. “We The People”, need to stand up for what’s right!

Freedom for you is freedom for all of us.

Do whatever you want; as long as it doesn’t hurt, harm, or put anyone’s life in danger, take away or detract from anyone’s lives, impede or infringe on anyone else, ever.

The Native Americans were here first. This land was taken from them.
Slavery is terrible. Many suffered from this atrocity. We can’t change the past. However, we can change the future. That was then, this is now.

Years ago, well-intentioned people proposed a document to govern the nation. Our Constitution includes all Americans.

Our 1st Amendment Right to Freedom of Religion, Speech, Assembly, and the Press applies to all Americans. You can gather to discuss any topic. Even controversial ones. The point is, you’re free to choose.

Our Second Amendment Right to bear arms isn’t about hunting. It’s to allow “the people” to protect themselves from criminals and tyranny.
If you do desire to protect yourself and your family, get a gun. If you don’t, then program 911 as a speed-dial number in your phone so you can press just one button and hope the police get there in time. Otherwise, they will just make a report and or call the coroner.

Our elected officials should donate their time and personal financial resources to serve in that position. This would encourage term limits, and they must uphold the entire United States Constitution, Amendments, and Bill of Rights, or they would never be allowed to serve.

Now, or the present, is the only time anyone has ever had. It’s where we prepare for the future. The statement “History repeats itself,” is terrible. Can we not learn from our past mistakes? No person who has suffered war or starvation would want to re-experience it. Why are so many people for socialism or communism?

Two futures are before us. 1, our lives and economy will continue to improve with positive outcomes for everyone. Or. 2, They’ll enact dictatorial laws prohibiting freedom.

What we teach our children affects our future. True History is altered. Logic isn’t taught. Accurate Science is skewed. Knowledge about health, our immune system, and nutrition is almost non-existent. These subjects are lost in our “modern education.”

Think! Make educated and logical conclusions based on facts. Question everything.

Only 3% of the colonist were willing to stand up and fight for their freedom from the oppressive British rule over them.

If you enjoy your freedom, thank a Veteran and wake up yourself and others.

“Power vs. Force,” a great book by David R. Hawkins
Background music found at

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