105 Kgs x 6 Bench Press. New Rep PR!

1 year ago

I think I've gone too hard with the training/accessory work lately, and it has come back to bite me, haha. I have been feeling super exhausted and weak, the past few training sessions, which is why I didn't upload anything from my recent squatting session. Felt totally weak and drained, and didn't do anything exciting. The weights felt incredibly heavy today; everything was moving slower, and my shoulders (particularly my left one) were feeling pretty creaky/naggy. I believe my previous best with this was only 4 reps, so this is technically a pretty good PR; especially considering my state, in this session. I maaaaaaybe had one rep in reserve, but that is a big if; and I definitely wasn't going ro chance it, already being so tired. It is a miracle I got to six, as I was, lol. I am sure I could hit one or two more, when feeling better. I am going to have to play it by ear, and potentially take it easier/take the foot off the gas a bit, if this exhaustion continues. Don't want to risk beating myself up too much; and god forbid, hurt myself.

Song: "Intensive Battery Brooding" - Carcass

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Bitchute: Liber_Primus



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