Putting Biden in his Place... Literally

1 year ago

During his trip to Ireland, President Biden had many notable encounters with Irish officials. In this video, Biden is seen being moved around by other officials to properly pose for a photo. You can see the man slide Biden to the center, all while Biden's aid is trying to position Joe for the camera as well. From Biden's trip in Ireland this week there were many memorable moments born, and none of them scream strength and competence for Joe. In fact, from what the American public has seen from Biden over the past week is quite the opposite. Americans saw a President who cannot speak, who cannot charm, who cannot negotiate, who can barely walk and now- cannot even pose for a picture without being man handled by foreign leaders and his own staff. The tale of Joe Biden is a sad one, not just for him- but also the millions of Americans that he is tasked with representing on a global scale, and he is failing spectacularly.

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