CS7.1 Build Series - Camera Module

1 year ago

Welcome to the CS7.1 Build Series. In this video I cover the assembly and testing of the Camera Module.

Please check out the Instructions.pdf file in the GitHub repo for complete step by step instructions,
3d printing tips and the parts list.


# CS7.1 Build Series Video List #
Classifier Assembly - https://rumble.com/v2ipexd-cs7.1-build-series-classifier-assembly.html
Electronics - https://rumble.com/v2ipldj-cs7.1-build-series-electronics.html
Sorter Assembly - https://rumble.com/v2ipfkp-cs7.1-build-series-sorter-assembly.html
Camera Module - https://rumble.com/v2iph2d-cs7.1-build-series-camera-module.html

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