Episode 1138: St Benedict Joseph Labre

1 year ago

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, often referred to as the "Tramp Saint" or the "Beggar Saint," was a French Catholic ascetic and mystic known for his extreme poverty, humility, and devotion to a life of prayer and penance. He is revered as a patron saint of the homeless and the mentally ill. Here's an overview of his life:

Benedict Joseph Labre was born on March 26, 1748, in Amettes, a village in the region of Artois, France. He was the eldest of fifteen children born to a prosperous farming family. From a young age, Benedict showed signs of piety and a desire for a life of holiness.

Despite his family's hopes for him to pursue a secular career, Benedict felt a strong calling to religious life. At the age of 16, he attempted to join the Trappist monastery of Sept-Fons but was turned away due to his fragile health and lack of education. He then tried to enter several other religious communities but was rejected each time.

Undeterred, Benedict embarked on a life of wandering and pilgrimage, living as a mendicant and relying on the charity of others for his basic needs. He traveled extensively throughout Europe, visiting shrines, monasteries, and holy sites, while leading a life of extreme poverty and austerity.

Despite his outward appearance as a beggar, Benedict was deeply committed to a life of prayer and contemplation. He spent hours each day in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, seeking union with God and offering himself as a living sacrifice.

Throughout his life, Benedict endured many hardships and trials, including hunger, cold, and rejection. Despite these challenges, he remained steadfast in his faith and trust in God's providence.

In 1783, Benedict settled in Rome, where he lived as a beggar near the Colosseum. He became known for his holiness and humility, attracting the attention of many who sought his counsel and prayers.

Benedict Joseph Labre died on April 16, 1783, at the age of 35. He was found lying on the steps of a church in Rome, having succumbed to the rigors of his ascetic life. His body was laid to rest in the church of Santa Maria ai Monti in Rome, where it remains incorrupt to this day.

Benedict Joseph Labre was canonized as a saint by Pope Leo XIII in 1883. He is venerated as a model of radical poverty, humility, and total abandonment to the will of God. His life serves as a reminder of the importance of simplicity, detachment, and trust in Divine Providence in the pursuit of holiness.

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