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1 year ago

You have 2 levels of stupid making 80-90% of the population.

Media sheeple who listen to government propaganda.

Then you have the so called truth seekers who are a bunch of fuking morons.

Never fuxk with proteins is why the vaccine failed.

Cooking a egg wrong bc ppl are moronic causes the protein molecules to break and change you fuxking losers

So now everything on telegram is fucking stupid. No news or posts are real .
One fake bullshit vs other fake bullshit

Fake world with morons posting and giving stupid coments of shit they dont understand

Learn to fuking cook stupid ass sobs

Million followers. At tjis point anyone with lots of followers is a fuxking moron.

Intelligence is being wiped out. To any smart ppl who are left.
We are the last of us. In a world of fuking morons. Try not to kill yourself . The human race is done.

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