Octopath Traveler 2 (PC) - Part 40: The Apothecary & Hunter (Castti & Ochette Crossed Paths Part 1)

1 year ago

Time now for the beginning of our last Crossed Paths story! This one stars Castti and Ochette in the city of Cropdale. Here, Ochette smells food, only to find expired meat. Turns out hunting has been fruitless in the area recently, so she and Castti offer to help out. On their way to the animal trail they come across a Dire Duorduor, a stronger version of Agnea's Chapter 1 boss. After the fight it runs away, but it looked seriously injured so Castti wants to chase after it and help it out. After treating its wounds, the Duorduor warns the two that the forest creatures were scared of a dark creature they had never seen before...

The story of these two will continue once their individual stories are completed.
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