Marburg Virus Plandemic - Full Whistleblower Testimony

1 year ago

Studies from 2017 indicated inorganic materials, nanparticles and heavy metals contaminate the vaccines leading to illness, not preventing illness. Then the illnesses are treated with conventional medicine with another chain of illnesses that follow, treated with more symptom control medicine. Researchers conclude vaccines and medicine is causing illness.

Bill Gates mentioned Marburg would be our next pandemic. Marburg is a rare but severe hemorrhagic fever in which there has only been 16 cases since 2005. What does the vaccine king know? How does he know?

They have already developed a PCR Test for Marburg. We should all know by now that PCR tests can be cycle manipulated to fit the agenda of diagnosing any disease they are looking for. In other words they don't diagnose shit, especially when the cycles are elevated. They will look for Viral Protein 5, which most humans at any time have fragments of that protein when magnified after 40 plus cycles. It's FAKE.

Now there are "scientific" papers stating Margurg can be Asymptomatically passed through bats, which is false, has been disproven.

Now this criminal enterprise is fast tracking a ricin rich vaccine called RiVax.

RiVax contains the toxin ricin which has been used in terrorist attacks and contains the adjuvant aluminum, known to be responsible for cognitive disorders like ADHD, Autism and Alzheimers.

How would they start this Marburg Pandemic without spreading it?

Easily. They already have it all set up with the Covid Dirty Contaminated Jabs.

They have our Children and the Elderly held hostage as the dirty jabs are mandatory. It's no longer just the covid jabs, all jabs will be risky. There is a reason behind the children's "Vaccine Schedule".

The contaminants in the jabs will present Marburg "like" symptoms. They will run their fake PCR tests and the diagnosis will be whatever medical "label" fits their nefarious agenda, in this case, Marburg.

They will then imitate the covid scamdemic and label most deaths Marburg deaths.

Their goal is to cause mass hysteria on the sheoples who believe the mass propaganda Fear Porn campaign.

Just like last time, they will run to the vaccine lines begging for "healthy" jabs.

Just like Operation Warpspeed, the Marburg vaccine will be rushed through untested and approved.

This will be the Superspreader Vaccine with the ingredients to kill most of the population.

Hopefully doctors have woke up and realized they were used by a murdering criminal enterprise to perform their dirty deeds.

This can be prevented if the parents and doctors just realize what is planned. The elderly are literally medical prisoners in the care homes where the government will likely mandate jabs to "prevent" and "protect."

Do not get any more boosters. This guy says it's Booster #3 that you definitely should not get. We have immune systems, and we have supplements like vitamin c and l-lysine to and many more to aid them.

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