Exposing the Vaccine ‘Military Machinery’ Behind the Global COVID Response: Sasha Latypova | TEASER

1 year ago

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“What we found is [that] the whole representation of what is happening is a lie…The U.S. government is representing to the public that this is a health event and the response to a health event. But, in fact…this is a military operation.”

In this episode, I sit down with former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova. She emerged from retirement during the COVID pandemic to become a whistleblower, after she observed the government and vaccine manufacturers veering away from established clinical research and public health protocols.

“The total volume of adverse events and deaths was tens of times higher than all the previous vaccine products combined,” says Latypova, referring to public data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

“We have all kinds of levels of protections - consumer protections - that should be triggered with this picture long before this extent of injury has occurred. Yet none of them were triggered,” says Latypova.

We discuss variability in different vaccine lots and how the U.S. federal government militarized public health and weaponized gene therapy in its deployment of the COVID-19 genetic vaccine.

“The government was able to commandeer pharmaceutical companies to produce these non-compliant injectable products and distribute them,” says Latypova. “If you catch an official - a professional - lying about something straight to the public, what else are they lying about?”

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#VaccineInjury #VaccineCompliance #VaccineManufacturing
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Exposing the Vaccine ‘Military Machinery’ Behind the Global COVID Response: Sasha Latypova

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