Looking like Damascus. (Isaiah 17:1-7)

1 year ago

A boy-king, I don't care how old Solomon's son really was at the time mostly because his actions were that of a child rather than a king, who lacked mercy and caused a civil war, years of sin later, and the nations of Israel and Judah look like the Damascuses and Pharoses around them. The glory of Jacob dim, eyes shut to acts, ways, and miracles of GOD, wasting away because they forgot who HE IS. JESUS said the eyes are important, what they are opened to. Northern Israel looked after idols, Lot's wife looked back, Peter looked to the wind and the waves. How often do we look away from HIM? How amazing that HE welcomes us to look at HIM at any and every moment. "If my people will acknowledge their sin and turn from it, calling out in my name, I will hear them." 2 Chronicles 7:14-20, fitting the promise would come at the end of the book (OT perspective.) when we are given the same promise from The ONE who fulfills every promise in it! (The whole TaNaK, OT)

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