"As soon as the lights went out, I knew I was in trouble."

1 year ago

"As soon as the lights went out, I knew I was in trouble."

Lena had always been scared of the dark, but tonight she had no choice but to stay in her grandfather's old cabin in the woods. As soon as the sun set, she felt the familiar knot of fear forming in her stomach. She tried to ignore it and busied herself with cooking dinner.
Just as she was about to take the pot off the stove, the lights flickered and then went out completely. Lena froze, her heart pounding in her chest. She fumbled for her phone, hoping to use the flashlight to find the candles she knew were in the kitchen drawer. But her phone was dead.
Suddenly, she heard a sound outside. It sounded like footsteps on the porch. Lena's mind raced as she tried to think of what to do. She knew she should stay quiet and hope that whoever was outside would go away, but the fear was too much.
As she groped around in the dark, her fingers finally found a box of matches. She struck one and held it up, trying to see through the darkness. That's when she saw the figure standing in the doorway. It was dark and shadowy, and Lena couldn't make out any features.
The figure started moving towards her, and Lena knew she was in trouble. She fumbled for the candles and lit them as quickly as she could, hoping that the light would scare off the intruder. But when she turned back to the doorway, the figure was still there, staring at her with empty eyes.
Lena tried to scream, but no sound came out. She realized too late that the darkness was not the only thing she had to fear in that cabin. Something had been waiting for her, lurking in the shadows. And now that the lights were out, it had finally come for her.
Lena's mind raced as she tried to think of what to do. She had to get out of the cabin, but the figure was blocking her way. Lena's heart pounded as she backed away, her eyes fixed on the figure in the doorway.
Suddenly, the figure lunged forward, and Lena screamed as she turned to run. She stumbled through the darkness, her heart pounding in her chest. She could hear the figure behind her, its footsteps growing closer.
Finally, Lena burst through the door and ran towards her car. She fumbled with the keys, trying to unlock the door. That's when she heard a voice behind her.
She spun around, her heart pounding. The figure was standing in front of her, its empty eyes fixed on her.
"Lena, it's me. Your grandfather."
Lena stared at the figure, her mind racing. She realized with a start that it was true. It was her grandfather. He had come back to the cabin to check on her.
"I'm sorry, Lena," he said. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to see you one last time."
Lena felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been so scared, but now she knew it was all a misunderstanding.
As she drove back to the city, Lena couldn't help but wonder about the figure in the cabin. She knew it had just been a trick of the light, but

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