Authentic Brand Storytelling in a Post-Pandemic World - David Fischette

1 year ago

The post-pandemic world has changed the way businesses approach marketing, with authentic brand storytelling being one of the most important strategies. Authentic storytelling is a powerful tool that helps brands create an emotional connection with their target audience. It can help to build trust and loyalty among customers, as well as increase customer engagement and retention. By engaging customers in an authentic way, brands can boost sales and revenue, while also improving brand image and reputation. Authentic brand storytelling is one of the best ways to stand out from competitors in a crowded marketplace and make sure your message is heard above all others.

Introduction [00:00:00] John Golden introduces the podcast episode and David Fache.

Brand Storytelling [00:01:17] David Fache explains the importance of authentic connection to the audience and drawing out the story of an organization.

Spoken Cinema [00:02:13] David Fache talks about the spoken word artist and the product called spoken cinema, which draws people to the brand through storytelling.

Rediscovering Humanity [00:03:39] John Golden and David Fache discuss how the pandemic has made people rediscover their need for human connection and the innate nature of storytelling.

Drawing Out the Story [00:05:00] David Fache explains how he helps organizations draw out their story by listening to both the organization and the consumer and making sure the story is internalized by everyone in the organization.

In Service of the Brand [00:09:06] David Fache talks about the importance of making sure all aspects of an event or campaign are in service of the brand's message.

Designing a Conference Story [00:09:08] Discussion on designing a conference as a story with an arc, building on teasers, and planting seeds.

Delivering a Message to Different Audiences [00:10:09] Challenges of delivering a message to audiences who consume information differently, and ensuring the message permeates all communication media.

Addressing Audience Concerns [00:11:49] Importance of listening to the audience, addressing their concerns, and creating a two-way dialogue to ensure the message is received.

Adapting Brand Story to Market Changes [00:13:24] Adapting brand story to market changes, repositioning, and tweaking to meet people where they are.

Authenticity in Brand Storytelling [00:15:59] Importance of authenticity in brand storytelling, avoiding inauthenticity, and ensuring values come through in interactions.

Leadership Alignment [00:17:29] Importance of consistent message from leadership and how to ensure alignment in organizations.

Crafting Message [00:17:59] Working with the entire c-suite to craft a consistent message and checking for inconsistencies.

Authenticity [00:19:00] Importance of being authentic and true to the brand's message, even if it means not following the latest trend.

Go West Creative [00:19:33] David Fache's background and the evolution of Go West Creative as a creative agency.
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