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In today’s live stream, Joseph Z speaks about breaking the yoke of control. He insists there’s a yoke-breaking anointing out there for us and assures us of God’s presence at these times.
He reveals that there’s a “now” unction happening for the body of Christ, and the book of Isaiah 10:27 will shed more light on the manner in which the yoke will be broken. He went further to reveal that the antichrist wants to manifest and that this spirit of the antichrist is being empowered by the people of this world; they’re also trying to push this spirit on good people.

Moving on, Joseph clarifies further that the spirit of the antichrist projects the spirit of control on the bloodbath believer, and this immense pressure of control is trying to come down on the church; they’re trying to bring a yoke of bondage upon the people. He went on to reveal that there’s going to be mongering for WW3 and there’ll also be a shift of Global power and great changes taking place. Additional to all these happenings, will be severe earthquakes, and there’ll be unlikely alliances between the church and men who would rise to push back the nefarious activities of the antichrist.

More importantly, Joseph Z assures us of God’s provision and that the spirit of God is upon us. He went on to encourage us that the “God marking” on our lives will cause us to outgrow the yoke of bondage so we can fulfil God’s commission for our lives. He went on to remind us again that the Ecclesia is the answer to the pressure from the antichrist which represents the gates of hell. The church will continue to push back and the antichrist can not prevail until the church is out of the picture.

Furthermore, Joseph assures us that despite the goings-on and the economic war out there, God is with us, and we must strive to break the yoke of fear from our lives by being the light in the darkness. He instructs us that Jesus wants us to be more than we already are.

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