Freedom from tyrants

1 year ago

Do you know how Easy it would be to give my life for you and your children?

If only it could be done like this 🌋🏄

But, No...

No matter what another is greatly Willing to give for others...
It seems to not matter.

How sad is this?

Ask the millions who died before me to protect our God Given Liberty.

Nevermind 😔
Sheep are sheep and Desire slavery and slaughter of themselves and their offspring.
Even though they do not need to sacrifice anything for Freedom....

Still, they Chose it.
Very Strange and Evil.

I do not know or understand.

You few who do care and Act and Speak and Sacrifice Everything....
I Thank You from the bottom of my Spirit.

Thank you Gentlemen and Gentlewomen.

God Almighty Creator bless You for Trying.


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