90 Kgs x 7.9 Incline Bench Press

1 year ago

Well, turns out that high volume deadlift session did indeed take its toll on me, hahaha. I felt totally wiped, here. No energy, weight felt heavy, and I could definitely tell by rep 5 to six that I was in trouble, lol. Still, this is technically more work/time under tension done with this weight. So, a small win, I guess. SO. DAMN. CLOSE., with that eighth rep. I kind of fell out of position too, at the top, as the bar went back down further forwards, resulting in it colliding with my jaw, instead of my chest, like usual, lol (I'm fine, by the way) which probably contributed to the near miss. I know for sure I would have had it, if I didn't sabotage myself with fatigue, from the deads. Oh, well. I'll probably take squatting easier this week, to help with recovery. Let's see if I can bounce back from this dip.

Song: "One" - Metallica

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