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This Bud is broke!!

1 year ago

So yeah, Bud Light went woke. I wanted to make their cans broke!! After the nonsense that came out from them on April 1st (not a joke!!!) I couldn't stop thinking about it over the rest of the weekend. I went and got an 18 pack from my local grocery store and took it to my range. Wanted to see how it'd perform with some various rounds! This was fun, and I was really surprised with how the pistol rounds worked out. I would say I will try more on the next one, but that would involve buying more of this stuff. Maybe if the stores start giving it away because no one will buy it anymore I will use it as a target again. But I won't be supporting them even though I had fun. I hope this serves in the large chorus of voices that are starting to speak out that we have gone past the point of no return. It's time to put our line in the sand, and push this nonsense back across it. Live your life if you want to be different, but there is NO reason you need to force it onto everyone else just so you feel better about yourself. You do you, I'm going to do me!! And my side of this is done with respect to others personal space and I don't want to try to brainwash children into believing the nonsense out there. Sorry, but this is getting on my bad side now. We have to save the soul of our country!!

I hope you had fun watching this! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!!!
This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Had to do it!! Tired of this stuff and wanted to get my opinion on the record about this. Time to start making a stand and pushing to get things back to normal. Respect others, but don't push your views on me if I don't agree with you! It worked for decades!!! Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see anything else from me out on my range. It's called the Freedom Farm for a reason! Have a wonderful Easter this weekend!!!

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