A Disturbing New Playbook to Argue Assault Weapon Bans ARE Constitutional

1 year ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses a recent case from Delaware in which a Federal District Court Judge upheld Delaware's assault weapon and magazine ban despite the fact that he found that both fell under the "common use doctrine," Passing on clear case law, the judge then went on to engage in his own new and improved two-part balancing test where he found these laws were NOT unconstitutional. This is an argument we might as well get used to as there we are going to see it many, many more times in the near future. Learn what all of this means to you and arm yourself with education today.
Applicable Case:
Delaware State Sportsmen's Assoc. Inc v. Delaware Dept. of Safety and Homeland Security. https://attorneygeneral.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2023/03/DSSA-Opinion.pdf
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www.washingtongunlaw.com or call us directly at 425-765-0487.

Stay safe.
Applicable Articles:

Article on thereload.com. https://thereload.com/analysis-a-legal-template-for-upholding-ar-15-bans-is-emerging-member-exclusive/
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