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Astrology for the Soul April 5, 2023

1 year ago

My desire for love and affection,
Can sometimes make a mess,
As I'm headed in one direction,
But want to explore all the rest.

This is the Full Moon in Libra opposite the Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries Report! The Moon reminds us how beautiful, wonderful, and sweet-loving partnerships can be. That others shine our light back to us, one us, and illuminate us as we illuminate them. However, Chiron in Aries can feel powerless to manifest the loving relationship we long for. Instead, we can feel lonely, empty, weak, and give up hope. So it's a topsy-turvy time this Full Moon! Our emotions can go from high to low and back up to high again, like the teeter-totter the Libra scales can sometimes be. "She loves me, she loves me not..." syndrome.

The astrology of this time tells us that we must attend to our wounds for our dreams to come true. We must nurture and care for ourselves, strengthen ourselves, believe in ourselves, and the world will mirror that self-love back to us. So it's time to go into the feelings and identify the source of our fears in order to rid ourselves of them. Let's not forget that fear is one of the opposites of love and has its roots in the ego, which lives in separation, not union. So in times like these, it's time to feel our fear and DO IT ANYWAY.

As I mentioned in today's (long) Pele Report, the key is not to lose ourselves in the delusion that somebody else is the answer or can fill our emptiness. Only Source can do that. As we keep our eye on the goal of returning to Source (or experiencing Source within us NOW) and make that the center of our relationship, the love we share for another can support our evolution.

Mark your calendar for this Sunday, April 9, as I'm giving a webinar on ASTRO-CARTOGRAPHY for students in my school. So many folks are on the move these days, and these techniques are helpful to see where the energy is best. ENROLL HERE, and see you this weekend in the classroom! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool

The Who, Who Are You? https://youtu.be/oyR3TzIgi-U

🧙 The Astrology of Chiron Retreat in Greece next month! https://bit.ly/chiron-greece-2023

So Much Love,

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💞 The Astrology of Relationship on Composite - next live June 3-4 and June 17-18: https://bit.ly/astrology-relationship

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