Final Fantasy 4 Ultima (SNES ROM Hack) - Part 34: Superbosses Fire Dragon & Magma Golem

1 year ago

Hack by 8-Bit Fan:

After obtaining the Ultima Sword from Goddess in the Lunar Core, it's time to head back to the Blue Planet and begin vanquishing the new army of Superbosses that just got unlocked! To start, we head to the Underworld and take out the two superbosses that await there: the Fire Dragon and the Magma Golem!

The Fire Dragon has only two attacks but is absurdly fast and hits like a truck. It starts the fight with Dragon Breath which may knock up to 4,000 HP off the entire party. It follows with a physical that will deal inconsistent damage between 150-1,200, and then cast Dragon Breath again, and repeats for the rest of the fight. Try to bring as many All-Potions as you can scrounge up or trade for. The sheer amount of damage the Fire Dragon causes is likely more than Rosa and Cecil can heal even on a combined Cure 4/Cure 3, so Rydia may have to play defensive and summon Asura. Despite its name the dragon isn't weak to Ice either so trying to have her cast Ice 3 won't do more than a few thousand damage. To slow the boss down and stay competitive with it, bring some Silk Webs which can be farmed from Arachnes via Steal (Rosa can't afford to waste a turn casting Slow, she needs to heal everyone every turn). Get a Silk Web on it ASAP, ideally on the first turn you get. Avoid Fire or Lightning attacks, the dragon absorbs both.

Every time you hit the dragon it will counterattack; for the first part of the fight these will be physical attacks, then about halfway through the fight it will use Vitalize once to get several thousand HP back. When it drops under 16,000 HP (you will know because it will "shudder" like Zeromus does) it will silently heal its HP back to full, then start countering with Burst against single characters; anyone except a highly leveled Cecil will probably not survive it. When it is almost defeated, it will use Dragon Breath as a counterattack. This means you could potentially eat two Dragon Breaths in a row; carefully time your attacks so you've had a chance to heal back up before hitting it. Some luck is going to factor into this fight if you get bad rolls with Asura or the dragon focuses its counters on Edge or Rydia. Basically, treat this as a semi-turtling fight where you focus on survival until you can get your Magic defense buffed up enough that Dragon Breath won't bother you. Do not try to bum rush the Fire Dragon or it will punish you, especially once its HP gets low.

As for the Magma Golem, it starts the fight with two Flamehound minions and will immediately start the fight by using Crush, which is an instant kill on one of your party members (15,000 damage, though it can be absorbed with Dark resistance), then it will alternate between that, Lava Wave (high fire damage + Sap), and Erupt (20% max-HP damage). When the dogs are dead, it will heal itself with Fire 3, then use Erupt and Lava Wave, then revive the dogs and start using Crush again. Max Fire and Dark resistance trivializes this fight.
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