Clip 43 - Jesus Was An Inter-Dimensional Traveler

1 year ago

Ok I admit, the title is a bit clickbaity, but still accurate. I know I. know, it sounds like I'm equating #Jesus to an #alien or a #timetraveler or whatever, but realistically, once you understand how the laws of #physics in this third #dimensions works, the fact remains, Jesus came from outside of our third dimension, explained truths about his realm, and then went back to his plain of existence. I don't think there’s much to argue with there. But I'm sure some #christians will still say I'm blaspheming....

So here’s what I mean by all this. physics and mathematics have proven that there are at least an additional 9 dimensions. This isn't really a point of contention in academia and Christians shouldn't find it difficult to believe either because, I mean, we kind of own the conversation when it comes to believing in other dimensions. Think about it, where is heaven? Where is hell? Where does the soul abide, where is the Father's throne room? Obviously, Christians should have no problem accepting that there are additional realms of reality out there, and lucky for us, science has proven as much.

So, now that we've established this fact, my argument is simple enough to understand. I believe God, who created all things including all the dimensions, descended from his plain of existence into our 3rd dimension and took on human form in the person of Jesus, because that’s what conscious life looks like in our dimension, it looks like a human being. So to exist in this dimension as a conscious being, the laws of physics demand that Jesus was a human being. However, as the #Bible tells us, he was still fully God and fully human at the same time. (side not here, I'm just thinking out loud so don't #excommunicate me, maybe Jesus was fully God while also fully human because Jesus's #soul was God, in the same way we're human but also have a soul in another realm, maybe God was Jesus's soul... Just a thought, I don't know if I believe it myself so don't quote me.)

Then, when the time came, Jesus began his ministry here on earth where he gathered his apostles and began to preach about #thekingdomofheaven and about where His Father house is and all sorts of attempts to use 2000 year old language to explain higher dimensional truths about the place he came from and the place he is trying to take us. I'm sure if anyone came to you and told you they're from the future or that they’re from another planet or dimension, the first thing you would think is this guy is crazy. That’s exactly what the people around Jesus first did. They said he was loco and the religious leaders said he was possessed by a #satan. The next thing you would do is ask this crazy person to prove it! And that’s exactly what the hearers of Jesus did, they asked for evidence of his claims, and Jesus brought receipts! He healed the blind, the cast out demons, he raised the dead, and the cherry on top was he raised from the dead. What more evidence could he provide as proof of his claims that he’s not from this dimension but from another plain of existence?

Now, does that sound so crazy for a Christian to believe? I don't think so. I think it’s exactly what our Bible describes. I think Christians should believe what the Bible says and stop trying to make excuses for the word of God.

#UFO #UAP #Nephilim #AncientAliens #AncientEgypt #pyramids #joerogan #grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse

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